
Showing posts from 2018

PUBG banned in india

                     PUBG BANNED IN INIDA    1- Pubg  or PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds has certainly become a very popular mobile game in India, and while some colleges might have banned the game, reports that the Bombay High Court banned the game are fake. 2-  According to a reports on  Gadgets360 , a fake notice claiming that PUBG has been banned by the Bombay High Court is doing the rounds on social media platforms like  Facebook , etc. 3-  The reason fro this ban is allegedly because PUBG is creating a lot of nuisance and apparently causing students to spoil their lives. 4-   There is no designation like that in the Indian High Courts, one is simply designated a High Court Judge. Or there are district court judges in the lower courts of India. The designation prejudge is a clear indication that this is fake.

8 Facts About Pollution In India That Will Leave You Gasping For Breath

8 Facts About Pollution In India That Will Leave You Gasping For Breath 1. Children Suffer The Most Almost 44% of schoolchildren in Delhi had reduced lung function compared to 25.7% in the other cities  studied . Delhi kids were also 1.8 times more likely to suffer from upper respiratory symptoms. 2. Pollution Is Responsible For Premature Deaths In India, 627,000 premature deaths are  attributable  to ambient, or outdoor PM 2.5 exposure. When a household or indoor pollution is added to this figure it rises to 1.6 million. 3. Air Quality Was Healthy Only 7/730 Days Between 2013-2015 One study  found  that over a 730 day period between 2013 and 2015 the Indian capital’s air met ‘healthy’ standards for the participate matter on only 7 days. Beijing’s air made the grade 58 times during the same period. 4. We Are Home To 22/50 Most Polluted Cities Globally. India has the dubious  distinction  of being home to 22 of the 50 most polluted cities globally. Instead of

68.4% milk in India is adulterated, finds survey!

68.4% Milk In India Is Adulterated, Finds Survey! 1. Are you getting your nutrition with a glass  full of milk ? Think again, you might be ruining you body with detergents! 2.Adulteration in milk has been a great cause of wrong for the everyday consumer and the daily industry. Spiked with ingredients like detergent, urea, starch, paint   and the most common one being water, adulterated milk has hazardous side effects. While the immediate effect of drinking milk adulterated with urea, caustic soda and formalin is gastroenteritis, the long-term effects are far more serious.  3 . According to a report by the Animal Welfare Board, about 68% of the milk production in the country, along with the milk byproduct were found to be laced with polluting ingredients.  4.Samples which failed the test, nearly 46 per cent, belonged to the category of low Solid Not Fat (SNF), and this was due to dilution of milk with water. Skimmed milk powder, generally used to increase the volume o

Lesser Known Facts About RAW, The Invisible Backbone Of India’s Defence Forces

Lesser Known Facts About RAW, The Invisible Backbone Of India’s Defence Forces 1. RAW was established on the 21st of September, 1968, in response to the Sino-Indian war. Following the failures of intelligence services, which were the responsibility of the Investigation Bureau (IB) at the time, during the Sino-Indian conflict in 1962 and the India-Pakistan conflict of 1965, the Indira Gandhi government had to take extreme measures to increase foreign intelligence gathering. This is when the government called on the services of the first director of RAW, Rameshwar Nath Kao. 2. RAW once turned around a strategic move made by Pakistan, against them. The  Indian Airlines hijacking  of aircraft  Ganga  back 1971, was in fact, a strategic move by RAW that subsequently gave India a reason to retaliate by banning flights by Pakistani aircraft. This would later have a significant impact on troop movement by Pakistani forces into East Pakistan during the 1971 war.

10 PUBG Facts That you didn’t Know

10 PUBG Facts That you didn’t Know  1. PUBG is so popular that Gamers have bought  a virtual Bandana nearly worth 1000 $ that came with the original pre order version of the game . Earlier only few people pre ordered and now this Bandana has became a rare item which does not drop in any of the crates and is available only with the Original pre order PUBG bundle. 2. PUBG set the world record for most simultaneous players at  once . The number of players which played PUBG  simultaneously records for 1,342,857 beating record of Valve  Dota 2. 3. Brendon PlayerUnknown Greene creator of PUBG  , started in game design by modding ARMA series.Playing DAYZ a mod for ARMA , led to Brendon interest in modding . Basic concept of PUBG was originated from Battle Royal mod Greene created for PUBG.  4. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner’ came from alley craps back in the Depression. They used to play craps in alleys and didn’t always use [money], but if they did it use [money] and they

The War Inside CBI

                              The War Inside CBI Why Alok Verma and Rakesh Asthana are at each other's throats. Special Director Rakesh Asthana and Director Alok Verma Who are the two officers at the centre of the ongoing battle within the CBI? CBI Director Alok Verma and his deputy Rakesh Asthana. Until this unprecedented showdown, both had long and uncontroversial careers. Verma joined the IPS in 1979 at age 22 and was allotted to the AGMUT (Arunachal, Goa, Mizoram, UTs) cadre. He was the youngest officer in his batch. Prior to assuming the office of CBI Director, Verma had been Commissioner of Police, Delhi; Director General of Prisons, Delhi; Director General of Police, Mizoram; DGP, Puducherry and IGP, Andaman & Nicobar Islands. He is the only CBI Director to hold the top post without any prior experience in the agency. Asthana, a 1984 batch IPS officer of the Gujarat cadre, has investigated many important cases, including the fodder scam case (during

Things You Didn't Know About ... Aliens

Things You Didn't Know About ... Aliens 1  Astronomers Margaret Turnbull and Jill Tarter of the  Carnegie Institution in Washington , D.C., have compiled a list of 17,129 nearby stars most likely to have planets that could support complex life. 2  According to Turnbull, stars must be at least 3 billion years old (to allow life time to evolve), have low mass, and have high levels of iron; metals are needed to form rocky, Earth like planets. 3  Leading the list is Epsilon Indi A, a dim orange star just 11.8 light-years away, in our local corner of the Milky Way. 4  What's the frequency, Frank? Astronomer Frank Drake made the first scientific attempt to contact alien beings in 1960, when he used an 85-foot radio dish at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in West Virginia to listen for signals from two nearby sun like stars. 5  You haven't heard about it because his search turned up zilch. 6  The more sophisticated efforts of the SE

Animals with Surprisingly Smart Social Lives

Animals With Surprisingly Smart Lives 1. Cows in Cliques Are Smarter Than Lone Bovines 2. Female Mule Deer Have Each Other’s Backs 3. Coyotes and Badgers Team Up to Hunt 4. Orcas Teach Their Friends How To Fish 5. Elephants Talk To Each Other (Sometimes In Secret Tones) 6. Cuttlefish Show Their True Colors 7. Spiders Know That Millions of Legs Are Better Than Eight 8. Penguins Get in Sync

Interesting Facts about Computer Virus

Interesting Facts about Computer Virus  1.Typically a malicious software author is a male between 14 and 25 years of age. 2.  The first fact of computer virus is that the first computer virus was known as Creeper created by computer programmer Bob Thomas at BBN technologies on Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) former of Internet. It was formed in early 1971 for experimental purposes and was capable of self-replicating. 3.   The first Windows virus was WinVer 1.4, first .exe file was Groove and first boot virus was created by Faroq Alvi brothers.  4.It is found that 70% of virus writers work on contract basis for a crime syndicate. 5.    Melissa was a powerful macro virus detected in 1999 that forced Microsoft and other big giants to shut down their email system until virus was removed completely. 6.    According to Microsoft security intelligence report and consumer report 40% of US households are affected by computer viruses. Meaning we

Interesting Facts You Didn’t Know about Human Behavior

Interesting Facts You Didn't Know About Human Behavior 1.When people are being watched, they behave better. 2.  People with  high levels of testosterone  get pleasure from the anger of others. 3. People with low self-esteem tend to humiliate others.  Subjects who were told that the results of their IQ test were poor expressed more national and religious prejudices, than those who reported higher results. 4 .  People sincerely believe that  their negative opinions about others are truthful and have no connection with them  and their self-confidence. In fact, the humiliation of others helps them restore their own self-esteem. 5. The behavior of people is affected by bodily sensations. 6. Similarly, the feeling of rigidity and hardness makes people inflexible . 7. However, more people  behave “as expected”  if they have to take a moral decision in front of someone. 8.  People regret quick decisions , even if the results are satisfying. Not th

Olympics Fun Facts

              Olympics Fun Fact The early  Olympic Games  were celebrated as a religious festival from 776 B.C. until 393 A.D., when the games were banned for being a pagan festival (the Olympics celebrated the Greek god Zeus). In 1894, a French educator Baron Pierre De Coubertin, proposed a revival of the ancient tradition, and thus the modern-day  Olympic Summer Games  were born. Host Greece won the most medals (47) at the first  Olympic Summer Games in 1896 . The first  Winter Olympic Games  were held in Chamonix, France in 1924. Norway  has won the most medals (263) at the Winter Games. The  United States  has won more medals (2,189) at the Summer Games than any other country. The five Olympic rings represent the five major regions of the world – Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceana, and  every national flag in the world  includes one of the five colors, which are (from left to right) blue, yellow, black, green, and red. Up u

Amazing Facts About The Human Body

               Amazing Facts About The Human Body 1. The cornea is the only part of the body with no blood  supply  – it gets its oxygen directly from the air. 2. The human body contains enough fat to  make  seven bars of soap. 3. Embryos  develop  fingerprints three months after conception. 4. Between birth and death, the human body goes from  having  300 bones, to just 206. 5. Hearts can beat  outside  of their bodies. 6. When you blush, the  inside  of your stomach does too. 7. Humans have a “diving reflex” that shuts down bodily functions when  submerged  in water to prevent drowning. 8. There are certain kinds of tumors that can  grow  their own teeth and hair – they’re called teratomas. 9. Humans are  bioluminescent , the light just isn’t perceptible to the human eye. 11. Your brain can survive for five to 10 minutes  without  oxygen.

unbelievable facts about Music

These 6 facts about music, and how they affect your brain  1. The chills you get when you listen to music, is mostly caused by the brain releasing dopamine while anticipating the peak moment of a song. 2. There are few activities in life that utilizes the entire brain, and music is one of them. 3. Playing music regularly will physically alter your brain structure. 4. The brain responds to music the same way it responds to something that you eat. 5. Listening to music while exercising can significantly improve your work-out performance. 6. An emotional attachment could be the reason for your favorite song choice.