Animals with Surprisingly Smart Social Lives

Animals With Surprisingly Smart Lives

1. Cows in Cliques Are Smarter Than Lone Bovines

Brown Highland Cattle on Field of Grass

2. Female Mule Deer Have Each Other’s Backs

Brown and White Animal

3. Coyotes and Badgers Team Up to Hunt
Coyotes catch a third more prey on average when hunting with badgers.

4. Orcas Teach Their Friends How To Fish

Killer Whales, Alaska

5. Elephants Talk To Each Other (Sometimes In Secret Tones)

An Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) named Tamar and her 13-month-old baby, Gabi, at the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo.

6. Cuttlefish Show Their True Colors

Cuttlefish (Sepiida)

7. Spiders Know That Millions of Legs Are Better Than Eight


8. Penguins Get in Sync
